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GXS Help Centre

How is daily interest calculated for GXS Biz Account?

You earn interest daily based on the balance of your GXS Biz Account at the end of each day. Base interest earned on the account balance is 1.88% per annum. For GrabMex and Singtel customers, the GXS Biz Account offers interest up to 2.68%p.a. Campaign Terms apply for promotion bonus interest.

We multiply your balance by the interest rate per annum over 365 days. Interest will be credited to your account when you earn at least S$0.01 in accumulated interest.

For example, based on an interest rate of 1.88% per annum applicable on balances in your GXS Biz Account:

  • On 19 September 2024, your balance in your GXS Biz Account is S$40,000. You will earn an accrued interest of S$2.06027
  • S$2.06 will be credited to your account on 20 September 2024 morning. Your balance will now be S$40,002.06. The remaining S$0.00027 will continue to accrue the next day
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